Bridging Aid III
Now secure up to €20,000 in Digitalization Grants
Investments in digital technologies and employee qualification can be subsidized through funding programs.
Eligibility Criteria for Application
Your company can apply for funding if it meets the following criteria:
- Business location or headquarters in Germany
- Company founded before May 1, 2020
- Maximum turnover of €750 million in 2020
- Corona-related revenue decline of at least 30% compared to the reference month in 2019

Eligible Services or Measures

Any services related to digitalization can be subsidized, such as:
- Website & Online Store Creation
- Creation of an Inventory Management System
- Consulting services & creation of an online marketing strategy
- Optimization of your website/online store for mobile devices
- Etc.
Amount of Subsidy
- Up to 90% of eligible digitalization costs (maximum €20,000) for a revenue decline > 70%
- Up to 60% of eligible digitalization costs (maximum €20,000) for a revenue decline ≥ 50% and ≤ 70%
- Up to 40% of eligible digitalization costs (maximum €20,000) for a revenue decline ≥ 30% and < 50%